(208) 881-5351 Appointment

Rhinoplasty in Idaho Falls, ID

Rhinoplasty with Matthew Hagan MD

Beauty In Harmony

Refined nasal contours and naturally beautiful proportions can help to enhance your facial harmony by complementing surrounding features and creating a seamlessly cohesive overall appearance. Rhinoplasty is a customized surgical procedure used to reshape the internal and external structures of the nose for cosmetic or functional purposes. Double-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Hagan offers highly specialized rhinoplasty, designing each patient’s procedure to their unique needs and allowing Idaho Falls Rhinoplasty patients to achieve a world-class treatment experience and exquisitely natural facial harmony.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Shape Your Confidence

Rhinoplasty (or a “nose job”) is a surgical sculpting procedure that can address a wide range of concerns related to nasal contours. It is most often used to reshape the bridge, the tip of the nose, or the septum to enhance facial proportions, improve facial symmetry, create a more attractive profile, or increase the airflow through the nose for easier breathing.

A highly personalized procedure, rhinoplasty can be performed as an “open” or “closed” surgery, depending on your treatment goals. Open rhinoplasty involves accessing the nose’s inner structures via a well-hidden incision across the column of tissue separating the nostrils. This technique is ideal for complex cases that require increased visibility. Closed rhinoplasty is performed using incisions placed within the nostrils, leaving no visible scars.

Idaho Falls Rhinoplasty Model with blonde hair

Simply Better Contours

What are the benefits of Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty offers aesthetic and health benefits for patients with concerns related to the shape of their nose. As a result, this outpatient procedure can have a substantial impact on overall wellness and confidence. Specific concerns that rhinoplasty can treat include:

  • Asymmetry
  • Deviated septum
  • A nose that appears too wide
  • An overly prominent dorsal hump
  • Nostrils that appear pinched or flared
  • A nose that appears oversized in relation to the face
  • Refining the results of a previous rhinoplasty
  • Concerns related to the tip of the nose, such as the shape, size, angle, or projection

Your Rhinoplasty Consultation

Design Your Ideal Outcome

During your consultation for Rhinoplasty Idaho Falls plastic surgeon Dr. Hagan will assess your facial anatomy with a special focus on your nose as well as discuss your desired outcome. Together, you will devise a customized treatment plan. From the time of your consultation onward, Dr. Hagan will be happy to answer any questions you may have about preparation, your procedure, recovery, or results. Dr. Hagan will also use Vectra 3D imaging software to create a simulated result to help visualize what shape your nose will take after your customized surgical plan. Dr. Hagan will also use Vectra 3D imaging software to create a simulated result to help visualize what shape your nose will take after your customized surgical plan

Idaho Falls Rhinoplasty Surgeon Dr. Matthew Hagan with staff

Your Rhinoplasty Procedure

Sculpted to Your Needs

Rhinoplasty can be performed under general anesthesia. Once you are ready, Dr. Hagan will perform your rhinoplasty according to your personalized plan, sculpting, adding, or removing bone or cartilage meticulously to create the desired shape. Lastly, Dr. Hagan will close your incision and prepare you for your at-home recovery. It is important that you arrange for someone close to you to drive you home after your procedure.

Rhinoplasty Results

Confidently Refined

As swelling subsides, your full results will be revealed along with enhanced facial harmony and confidence. Whether your procedure includes subtle changes or a more significant transformation, you can look forward to expertly sculpted and impeccably natural rhinoplasty results.

Rhinoplasty Recovery and Aftercare

Heal Beautifully

Immediately after your procedure, you should expect significant swelling and some bruising. While the bruising will resolve within the first week, it will take a bit longer for the swelling to subside. Most patients find recovery to be relatively easy and comfortable. Many patients experience minimal pain and are able to manage any discomfort with over-the-counter pain relief and by applying a cold compress as needed for the first few days.

While your nose heals, you will want to keep up with Dr. Hagan’s instructions for wound care as well as protect the treated area from pressure, manipulation, or trauma that could affect your results. While you sleep, you will need to lie face-up to prevent bumping your nose.

Although swelling will decrease significantly within the first few weeks, it is not uncommon for minor swelling to remain for several months. At around the one-year mark, your nose will be completely healed and free of swelling, and all affected cartilage will be fully settled.

Idaho Falls Rhinoplasty Surgeon Dr. Matthew Hagan with patient

Frequently Asked Questions

While dermal fillers can be used for a non-surgical rhinoplasty, Dr. Hagan believes that to achieve a safe and long lasting result for your Rhinoplasty we need to address the underlying anatomy through surgery. He specializes in craniofacial, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery, ensuring optimal results in every facet.

Generally speaking, Rhinoplasty can be performed on patients of any age. However, it is best to wait until at least early adulthood to ensure that the nose has finished growing.

Your Dreams,
Within Reach

Your most confident future is within reach in Idaho Falls. Plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Hagan is delighted to discuss your goals and guide you through your most satisfying experience.

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